Green Schools
Archive > 2022-2023
Green Schools Programme

Scoil Naomh Treasa has been involved in the An Taisce Green Schools programme for a number of years. We are very proud to have earned four separate Green Flags to date, for our work in the following areas.
- Litter & Waste - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Energy - Conserving Energy
- Water - Water Conservation
- Travel
In 2018 we decided to embark on a new Green Flag - Travel. The programme took two years to complete and in May 2019 we were awarded our fourth flag. Many thanks to our Green School's Committee led by Ms Swinburne, staff and Caroline Murphy from An Taisce who was a huse help to us along the way too.
Green School Committee 2019/2020

Green School Committee 2018/19