Parents Association
Parent's Area
Parents Association
Welcome to our new Parents Association
members; Noleen, Sinéad, Zoe and Emily.
If you wish to get in touch with the Parents Associatation of Scoil Naomh Treasa please contact them at:
Our Parents Association also have a Facebook page:
Easter Egg Hunt 2023
Friday, 31st March was a very eggciting day for all the pupils of Scoil Naomh Treasa - the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Many thanks to our Parent's Association for orgnaising this great event.

The School Lotto
The Scoil Naomh Treasa Fudraisier Lotto, officially launched by the Parents Council, on 10th February 2023!
To sign up click the link here
This will go a long way in terms of fundraising for our school to aim to provide the pupils of the school with the best educational experiences and resources available. We also hope that through funds raised through the lotto that we can reduce the cost to parents and families in the school when it comes to costs of buses/tours/activities etc...
Please help our school by supporting the lotto and by spreading the word. The lotto is open to anyone over the age of 18 to play regardless of whether they have a connection to the school or not so feel free to share the QR code and information about the lotto far and wide!

Clothing Drive
Thank you to everyone who recently donated to our clothes drive. It was a great success raising €341 for our school. The class who brought in the most bags was Ms O'Mara's class. Thank you to the Parents Association for running this initiative and for providing a prize for the winning class.

Halloween 2022
Huge thanks to our Parents Council for decorating the front of the school for Halloween. As always it looked fabulous and the children were delighted to see all the spooky decorations.

Easter Egg Hunt
The boys and girls of SNT had so much fun searching for their eggs in the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Friday 8th April. Many thanks to our Parent's Council for organising this special event.

Fruit Tree Planting March 2022
Our junior pupils really enjoyed helping Ms Breen plant five apple and pear trees that were donated to us via a programme called "DCs for Bees" that our Parents Council signed us up for.

Many thanks to our Parents Council for sponsoring a replacement set of paediatric pads on our public access defibrillator at Scoil Naomh Treasa, to replace the set that had expired.

Confirmation February 2022
The boys and girls in 6th class wish to thank the Parent's Council for the the generous gift of cinema vouchers to celebrate their recent Confirmation.

Christmas 2021
Thank you to our Parent’s Council for all your hard work organising the Christmas Raffle and raising a fantastic €3,243.00!!! We appreciate all the efforts you put into both selling tickets and arranging all the brilliant prizes.
The Christmas Cards Fundraiser was also a great success. The cards the pupils designed serve as a lovely momento of Christmas 2021.

Halloween 2021
A huge thank you to our Parents Council, who did an amazing job transforming the front of SNT into a Spooktacular School!
The children were greeted by two ‘Hay Monsters’ and a host of spooky decorations when they arrived to school.
A big thank you to Paul McGuinness for the bales and Philip Tallon for all the amazing pumpkins.
Happy Halloween!

Halloween Cupcake Treats
The children of SNT were delighted with the delicious and spooky cupcakes the Parents Council delivered on the last day before midterm break. Thank you to Rosie Teeling for making these amazing Halloween cupcakes.

New Parent's Council September 2021
We welcome on board Anna-Marie Duggan, Bridget Howard, Joey Joyce, Deirbhile Howard and Colleen Hartford.

Thank You
We would like to say a huge thank you to the outgoing Parents Council members, Roisin Byrne, Kate Pettigrew, Deirdre Rohan and Fergal Mawe. We can all agree that they did a fantastic job in very difficult COVID times.

Reminder: The Parents’ Association AGM will take place Thursday 16th September 2021 at 7p.m.
The meeting will be held in the prefab at the back of the school to allow for social distancing.