Standardised Testing
Parent's Area

- Standardised Testing
What do standardised tests measure?
Standardised tests in English reading and maths measure your child’s achievement compared to other children in all schools at the same class or age level.
When does my child complete standardised tests?
In Scoil Naomh Treasa, pupils from 1st - 6th class complete standardised tests during the month of May. The result of the tests is then communicated to parents, via a STen score, in the annual end of year written school report.
Standardised tests in English reading and maths measure your child’s achievement compared to other children in all schools at the same class or age level.
When does my child complete standardised tests?
In Scoil Naomh Treasa, pupils from 1st - 6th class complete standardised tests during the month of May. The result of the tests is then communicated to parents, via a STen score, in the annual end of year written school report.
Understanding a STen Score:
- School Reports:
You will receive a written report from your child’s teacher at the end of the school year. This report will give you information on your child’s progress and achievement in school in four key areas:
A. Your child as a learner
B. Your child’s social and personal development
C. Your child’s learning across the curriculum
D. Your key role in supporting your child’s learning