Principal's Welcome
School Info

Principal’s Welcome
Welcome to the website of Scoil Naomh Treasa, Bellewstown.
We are a very busy school community with teaching and learning at the core of everything we do. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school where we believe all children can reach their true potential, whatever that may be. The sky is the limit!
We have 4 mainstream class teachers, 1 teaching principal, 2 SNAs, a school secretary, a caretaker/cleaner and a visiting SEN teacher for two days per week. We also have a visiting teacher to provide cover for principal release administration days.
We are very lucky here in Scoil Naomh Treasa to be located in such a beautiful, rural location with a tremendous amount of space, in which our children can play and learn. In our school, it is our mission to develop the intellectual, physical, cultural, moral, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of all our pupils. We believe that a broad balanced educational experience within a caring environment promotes positive attitudes towards learning. This enables each of our pupils to recognise their talents and achieve their full potential.
As principal, it is an honour to work in such a positive environment. I feel extremely lucky and privileged to lead such a great team. I’m very grateful to the parents, pupils, Parents Association, Board of Management and the wider community of Bellewstown for all their hard work and goodwill to make our school the positive, inclusive environment that it is.
Aidan Mc Loughlin