School Info

A Brief History
Scoil Naomh Treasa is located in the heart of the rural village of Bellewstown. It was built in 1960 but has been refurbished in 2003 and 2010.
Pre-1960, the school was based in the Old School Hall, which stands beside the church. This was built in 1894, and the number on the roll was 116. Before that, the school was in a room on a site which is now occupied by part of the car park of the church (on the school side of the present hall). Before this room was demolished to make the car park, it was referred to as “The Library” while the school was in use where the Hall is now.
A further piece of land at the back was acquired by the forward-thinking Father Tully for 12,000 pounds in the 70’s, as there was some anticipation of a big rise in pupil numbers. This has not happened due to building restrictions. However, this piece of land, which was inclined away from the school and had an uneven surface, has been flattened and is now a sports field.
In December 2003, the school body vacated the school while the school building was undergoing refurbishment. During this time six of the classes moved to the buildings of the Bellewstown Race Course and another two moved to The Old School Hall. The school was reoccupied in June 2004. The refurbishment in 2003/2004 resulted in the building of a new mainstream classroom and the upgrade of 2 mainstream classrooms and staffroom. An office, cleaner’s room and 2 small multipurpose rooms were also added. Toilets, heating etc. were also upgraded.
In 2004, the basketball court was resurfaced and reline. (It was lined again in 2011) The pitch at the rear was also levelled. Access to a Gaelic pitch and Pitch and Putt course is available through the racecourse which is immediately opposite the front entrance of the school.
In 2010 a further upgrade was undertaken. This project was initiated by former principal, Mrs Denise Kelleher and supported by Chairperson Father John Conlon. Architect Declan Clabby and local builder, Manlay Contractors, were involved in the project. This project resulted in the building of a new classroom, a Learning Support room, a large staff room, a library, 2 offices and an enhanced foyer.
At the rear of the school is a prefabricated building. It is now used as a multi-purpose facility. The larger of the rooms is used for assembly, sport, drama etc. while the smaller room is now used for storage of sports equipment.
Our school is proud of the progress it has made. Scoil Naomh Treasa is an integral part of the community. The principal and staff are committed to continuing the proud tradition which exists in the school.
A school History should highlight some of the more obvious and commendable attributes which have been synonymous with the school for decades. In Bellewstown, these are:
- A supportive clergy
- A committed staff
- A supportive parent body
- A sense of community
- A sense of inclusiveness
- A fine, prominent site
- Access to facilities and the support of other bodies in the village i.e. GAA, Racecourse, Pitch and Putt, The Parish Priest
- A proud sporting tradition