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Maths Week 2022

Archive > 2022-2023
We celebrated Maths Week in SNT from the 17th - 21st October 2022. All classes participated in fun maths games, activities and maths trails to mark the week. Our senior pupils finsihed off the week with a big maths quiz.

First and Second Class

The boys and girls in Ms O'Mara's class had lots of fun playing a variety of different maths games and activites over the course of the week. Listed below are some of the games they played.

Headbands - the child with the headband had to guess the number on their head using clues their classmates gave them.

In pairs they practised their tables using cards - each player turns over a card and then first to add them together wins the cards.

Then the boys and girls used the overturned cards to practise their fractions - turn over half the cards, turn over quarter of the cards.

First class made tangrams with 2D shapes while second class completed a maths trail with hundreds tens and units

Finally they had great fun on their whole class Maths Trail.
Monster Maths Games

Mrs Light's 3rd & 4th class taught the Junior and Senior Infants a fun "Monster Maths Game". The boys and girls in Ms Swinburne's class were delighted that they each got to bring home a little monster card after playing the game so well.

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